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The mission of the Mentes Saludables work team is to promote psychosocial clinical services to enhance mental health and emotional well-being of people throughout their life cycle (childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age) contributing to comprehensive development to make our lives healthier, fuller and more satisfying.
Dr. Naylu Martinez, like the group of therapists and specialists at Mentes Saludables, believes in the importance of psychoeducation in various areas for better decision-making, emotion management, conflict resolution and improvement of your physical and health. psychosocial.
Our vision is to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and monitoring of mental and emotional health, understanding our emotions, feelings, thoughts and behaviors, in order to strengthen the biopsychosocial nature of the human being. Our goal is to be able to bring services to Hispanic patients in Puerto Rico, the US, Mexico and Chile from the hand of select professionals who are constantly updated to provide you with the best online or face-to-face service.