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The Duel and Christmas

Grief is the pain we experience when we lose a loved one.

At times like Christmas, with your family reunions, memories are sharply enlivened and it is normal to feel many emotions. We identify the "emptiness syndrome" is when dinner time comes and there is this space that was always occupied by a loved one.

It is important to seek support from family and friends or therapists, establish new visions and allow good emotions to surface are some of the recommendations that experts give to survive certain dates, such as Christmas.

Any duel is a natural reaction. It is a form of adaptation that follows a process of detachment, of farewell to someone who has left.

  • Do not isolate yourself, maintain contact with family, even if it is not what you want.

  • Plan the family reunion in order to be surrounded by other family members.

  • Give yourself permission to grieve and feel any feelings, even joy or laughter.

  • Come up with loving ways of remembering your loved one with joy, being aware of their absence.

  • Do not neglect health or nutrition.

  • Find support systems and, if necessary, therapy.


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