Solymar Montero
Social Worker & Psychological Counselor

My name is Solymar Montero Rivera and I live in Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. I currently have a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and a Master's degree in Psychological Counseling from the Ana G. Méndez University of Puerto Rico. I have had the opportunity to help many families by identifying their needs and providing them with tools for their personal and social growth.
I am a mom, a wife and in my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family. I like reading, going to the beach and drinking coffee. My passion is to do my bit in people's lives in a positive way. I firmly believe that people have the opportunity and the right to be better every day. Always keeping in mind that all change comes first from the inside out. That is why if you are a resident of Puerto Rico, I am here ready to offer you my services for individual psychological therapy and you can start with that change for your life.
I have had the opportunity to help many families by identifying their needs and providing them with tools for their personal and social growth.
I am a mom, a wife and in my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family. I like reading, going to the beach and drinking coffee. My passion is to do my bit in people's lives in a positive way.
The goal is to offer you all the tools so you can manage your situation, not only now, but in the future. This, using psychological models such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which understands that thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect feelings, emotions and behavior. As well as humanistic therapy which allows the patient to find the answers they are looking for on their own. One of the key concepts of this type of therapy is the self-realization of the human being. It is important to remember that psychological therapy models may vary from patient to patient.
The services I offer are the following: